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with Martin Bone

A 12 week self development program designed to illuminate your authentic potential, unlock your gifts and embody an energy of effortless flow and natural consistency.

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Make Excellence
Your Default

This program is fueled by a treasure trove of excellent teachings that I have personally experienced across the many years of my own journey to self mastery.


Join me on this journey to:

- Discover what you truly want from life

- Create lasting lifestyle change

- Design a purpose driven life

- Embody excellence in everything you do


Join me on this flight to the peak

This program will unlock effortless productivity, elite performance, education and inspired potentiality.


Discover your principles of existence

1. The Sovereign Leader (Being)

 - How to create a vision for your life and gain clarity on the values that drive your daily habits.


2. The Action Taker (Doing) 

- How to generate massive lifeforce energy and become disciplined in managing all areas of your life.


3. The Transformer (Thinking)

- How to manage your thinking mind and connect with your innate creativity.


4. The Lover (Feeling)

 How to connect to your sense of joy and playfulness through self care rituals and embodiment.


This program will teach you how to activate and develop these 4 principles and weave them into your everyday life.

Develop an eco-system of self mastery

Give yourself permission to step fully into your potential and embody excellence


What's also included

Masterclass sessions

Together over six sessions we  explore all areas of self-mastery, such as authentic leadership, purposeful action, multi-levels of intelligence, sustained transformation, deep connection.


Shared resources

Each month there will be additional conscious connected tasks posted in our private WhatsApp group for you to explore.

I will also be sharing access to a number of resources that will help your growth and development.


Nature sessions

Together over five sessions we come together in nature to integrate the work we complete in the class room environment and strengthen the bonding container between the group.

Initiation Ceremony

The final session is the culmination of our time together on this special journey.


We finish with a 12 hour experience that includes an initiation ceremony, a chance for blessing and deep connection.

All will be revealed...

Buddy up system

Each week we partner up and complete tasks to inspire each other throughout our 12 week journey.


This is an opportunity to learn and support another like-minded individual and create deep soulful connections.

Aftercare Manual

Keep your teachings for life!

Receive a 50+ page PDF manual containing all the information shared during our masterclass sessions.

Registration for this cohort ends:

Don't miss your opportunity to secure a place.

Our next cohort runs in 2025

Frequently asked questions


"Is this program for me?"

If you are serious about self mastery and want to create a blueprint for an inspired life filled with joy and effortless flow...


Yes, this program is for you


"Can I pay in installments?"

Yes of course, you can spread the investment for this 12 week program into manageable chunks to accommodate your current financial situation


"What if I can't make all the sessions?"

We live in a busy world, it's understandable if you can't make one or two of our sessions for emergency reasons. There is the option of catching up with via personalised 1-1 session with me



Interested in this course?
Enquire for a place


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